Vance Medical

Mark – Severe Neck Pain

Severe acute neck pain treated initially with brief prednisone then Prolozone – doing MUCH better QUICKLY!

Call (208) 258-7558 to schedule an appointment with Vance Medical.

Brain – Neck Pain And Cramping

Woke with significant neck pain and inability to turn his head to the right. MUCH improved with single treatment of Neural Reflex Therapy.

Call (208) 258-7558 to schedule an appointment with Vance Medical.

Neck Pain From Car Accident


Kim had worked with a physical therapist, but still had some residual neck pain from a car accident. 

“I like your methodology. I like your science. I like your questions.”

“Stay positive; there is hope. Look for the doctor that can bring you back to where you want to be. Go with Dr. Vance!”

Call (208) 258-7558 to schedule an appointment with Vance Medical.